Top 5 famous software supply chain attacks in 2023
Explore the critical nature of supply chain cyber attacks and learn how to fortify your defenses against this growing threat in 2023.
Exploring Bun: Setting up basic Server Side Rendering with React
In this blog article, I explore the basics of Bun, the new JavaScript runtime, and set up basic Server Side Rendering with React on a Bun server.
NextJs 13.4: First Look
This LinkedIn post highlights a quick summary of the new features of the app dir introduced in the latest version of Next.Js, 13.4 at that time.
NAN (Not a Number) in JavaScript
This short LinkedIn post highlights the intricasies associated with using NaN in JavaScript.
Do you know why software developers love coffee so much?
In this simple blog post, I emphasize the benefits of coffee and why we as developers love it.